
We ship via Federal Express, UPS & Registered mail. Please call us for rates at (212) 826-6688 or (800) 973-7743.


Thank you for viewing our website. We appreciate your business and have worked hard to ensure both the security and privacy of your online transactions. We are committed to maintaining the privacy of your information. When you submit a form via our site, the information you submit will be secure and confidential.

Perrier Gems International, Inc.
A Julius Klein Company
580 Fifth Avenue Suite #901
New York, New York 10036
Polygon# 4850

Phone:     212-826-6688
Fax:          212-888-8666
Toll free:  800-9-PERRIER

Copyright 2020
Perrier Gems International, Inc.
A Julius Klein Company
580 Fifth Avenue Suite #901
New York, New York 10036
All Rights Reserved